Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Be patient, I'm new at this

So I'm sitting here with plenty to do but still bored out of my mind. I needed to check out a friends blog and decided that since I'm paying for a site that I don't keep up I'd start one on here. She can help if I'm lost, right? Wish me luck!


Heather Rice said...

Yippee!!! Welcome to blogger! It is SOOOO fun!

mawmaw kathy in ky said...

hey...it will be fun to catch up with you on things that are going on..and I am anxious to see new pictures of everyone...give hugs and kisses to the girls and tell Tracer that mawmaw kathy loves him more than life....

Mawmawana said...

It is so nice to be able to click a button on the computer and see things that we miss when we are not over there. Halloween was something for you. Getting the kids ready must have been hecic. Avery looks great and Alex looks cute in anything she wears. She doesn't care what you do to her. They are 2 sweet little girls and have a super big brother. I guess he is getting too old now to really dress up for Halloween. Love to all of you. Mawmawana