Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Oh, and her too

This morning Avery put on her fake smile "grown-up face" and our conversation went something like this:

A: Mommy, I'll love you and Daddy and Tracer so much forever!

M: Are you forgetting someone? (pointing to Alex)

A: Oh, and her too I guess. (not said with the fake smile)

And then on the way home from lunch with Daddy I heard the baby gasping and Avery laughing. Probably not good. Avery was dropping filled straws of ice water all over Alex's face. When I asked what she was doing her reply was "Giving her a bath, duh!" All this before 4:00 and our day isn't even close to being over!
Hopefully this isn't a preview of what's to come years from now. I didn't have a sister, well not a real girl anyway. Chris is pretty close. :) I've heard stories from my friends and they haven't been pretty! We shall see...

1 comment:

Heather Rice said...

HAHAH!!!! I totally know that fake smile!!! Avery is HILARIOUS! Don't worry about Alex. I have a feeling she will be able to open a can on Avery here in a few....